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Health and Physical Education

Advantage Academy supports the health and physical education of ALL students. We encourage students to have an active lifestyle with daily physical activity. Physical Education is planned, sequential instruction created to develop motor skills, physical fitness, and sports skills. Through movement, students will experience opportunities to utilize decision making and problem solving skills as well as enhance mental, social, and emotional abilities. In order for Physical Education to be effective, it must include a variety of engaging activities, ongoing assessments, and use of technology. Health is promoted through teaching of the importance of nutrition, hygiene, and healthy choices made at a personal and interpersonal level.

A Healthy and Physically Educated Person:

HAS learned skills necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes proper nutrition and physical activity.

KNOWS the implications of and the benefits from involvement in physical activities.

DOES include healthy habits including physical activity in daily life.

IS fit, healthy and ready to learn.

VALUES physical activity and health as they relate to a healthful lifestyle.


Advantage Academy District’s Health and Physical Education Departments educate students to become lifelong learners of health and wellness by participating in activities that develop behaviors which encourage healthy decision making, appropriate social skills, and lifelong physical fitness in and outside of the educational setting. Our goals are to:

Use the Curriculum Navigation System (Yearly/Semester Itineraries, Grading Period Snapshots, and Curriculum Road Maps) to ensure an aligned and quality education for all students enrolled in Health and Physical Education.

Improve Fitnessgram data based on your Campus Improvement Plan goals.

Ensure all Special Program students are provided quality Health and Physical Education by appropriate course placement, modification of instruction, assessments and grading.

Promote and implement coordinated school health by using Health Skills and QuaverHealth.

Increase the use of technology in Health and Physical Education classes (clickers, importing videos, student lead projects, heart rate monitors, pedometers, Goggle docs group and ActiveLife Movement website, parent newsletters). 

The District will provide an exemption for a student who is unable to participate in the required physical activity because of illness or disability. Education Code 28.002(l)